How much does an NLP practitioner earn? Practitioner earnings can vary dramatically. Because most NLP practitioners appear to work mostly as solopreneurs such as life coaches or hypnotherapists, its going to be based on their ability to market themselves and build a clientele.
If the average NLP practitioner charges anywhere from 60 to 200 or more per hour, you can imagine there is a huge range of income. I certainly believe it’s possible and SHOULD happen to make a six figure income doing NLP coaching if you have built up your skills to help people, and develop the marketing skills necessary to build your clientele and scale it.
Therapists or counselors with NLP training generally have the same earning potential, but can be heavily influenced by their employment status.
NLP is often combined with hypnosis, so if you take a look at the average yearly income of a hypnotist in the US, its roughly $77,974.
NLP trained practitioners that work in the business consulting arena can earn much more. Corporate trainings and executive coaching can really add a lot to one’s bottom line.