Are there any Neuro Linguistic Programming Course Free to access online? You bet there is! I’ve compiled a list of the ones I could find for you here.
If you happen to know of any others, feel free to send them to…. and I’ll review them to add to the list.
Free Neurolinguistic Programming Courses to Access:
Transform Destiny – 10 Hours of free NLP training
Alison.com – Neuro Linguistic Programming – Your Ultimate Guide To NLP
Udemy – Transform your life with NLP!
IntraAwareness – Youtube NLP Training
Wayne Farrell – Free NLP Coaching Course
Life Practice Academy – Mark Shields NLP & Life Coach Course
One thing to note here is that I have not personally vetted all the information in these free NLP courses. Most of them cover the primary aspects of neurolinguistic programming such as language, reframing, patterns, techniques, NLP for sales, and so forth, but a few are likely to put their own “spin” on the primary traditional framework.
Not that there is anything wrong with this, but it is always a good idea to reference the names that have been around the NLP community for many years. For example I recently did a podcast episode with L. Michael Hall. I’m a firm believer in having multiple teachers when it comes to NLP because each has their own specialities and expertise to bring to the table.