John Grinder Neurolinguistic Programming Anchoring Demonstration

Neurolinguistic Programming Anchoring – Demonstration By John Grinder

So who hasn’t I can do classy who has Something want to change nobody okay so She goes up and she sits down and I make Sure we gotta for now I go okay so I Want you to go I want you to pair your Examples of what you presently do which Is in some sense entire sense or you its Sense after which you want to expend the Quality or you have a problem okay well Go into the problem stay come on I got It Being a bully okay so there it is over There right okay so now if I’m on my Game I place my hand like right there And I’ll go go back into that state Board breathing changes I increase the Pressure here as I noticed for still Changing her physiology and she’s still Changing she gets deeper deeper on the Deep breath screwed that’s close enough Okay shake it up okay now yes Olivia you Know what you would like to you prefer Rather than this okay now I’m going to Step aside and go there’s a danger here This is one of the dangers of classic Code she’s going into a really nice pace Conscious unconscious do I really know I Would rather do this context of there’s A little bit of a problem because she’s Conscious because where that’s the Question of what specific behaviors you Were routed to in this situation than The one that’s over there you said the Problem remember my comments about

Reversal the context she’s imagining When she encounters it the next will Always be different than one season So if she’s on autopilot and this is What she’s rehearsing That’s what she’s going to do and it’s Probably going to be a significant Improvement on the one on the other side There but it’s not as good as him Vinny On my spot and having it flow out of an Enhanced or microphone state that’s the Whole point of the event okay so don’t You do have you ever had this tremendous People in a way awesome over okay okay So I want you to go into this state and What about you followed by a revised Again this breathing changes are Significant muscular tension slowly Increase as I continue to see change in Her physiology I just keep increasing at some point I Go yeah Did you like ever Okay so I want her to whistle Dixie Either go someplace beautiful So okay everyone’s okay go someplace you Really like and I want you two to Calibrate I want you to verify what Happens – oh gosh – ease off minimal Jews okay so I think that okay okay now I wasn’t being very careful about this Because unconscious is soulard what’s Going on almost anything will do work But ideally put chalk on your fingers so

You reproduce it perfectly x is an Absolutely perfect so I mean think about It where does the name come off ring a Bell So now the interesting part is not a Chance to watch it she gets the chance To experience it and watch for the Struggle in the breathing watch for the Struggle and the facial expressions and Even return of the head and lowering or Raising whatever and so and I’m Cheating’s I’m pretty more pressure over Here than I am over here because I know How I wanted to get over there because That’s where she wants it can you see The comfort you see the competition Physiologically for the state that’s What you’re looking for okay how do I Test how do I test it so now much time Has passed the era of the 30 I’m just morning in the 13 foot March 23rd 2014 has passed the neurology now Is our this Now if I’m going to use the touch Anchors the tactile anchors that I Established to test whether the work Went well whether there was an Integration and you saw you saw the Breathing you saw the Box you saw the Hedgerow musculature attempting to Entertain two separate faces came out The way I wanted it what am I going to Touch the track sub Messiah what the Deaths the quote negative anger telly

Talking about well really okay well Let’s go over a jazz okay so I think It’s advice and what do you see which Way did where did she go she goes over There So he’s absolutely correct you use the Quote negative over a negative is Another two term that should be struck Remember you use the touch anchor Associated with state she started with The change and you look for and as what We saw this one that means that whatever Said a stimuli used to trigger her into That one now our applications at taking Your into the one she wants temporarily She’s not uh should be be satisfied with This we’ve been we’re – I know her and So be it There is though I actualized to me who Has reach their bolder than your left Every step in that direction of person Liberation he has nothing more than Normal Opening up deepening broadening of the Possibilities It just makes it makes it clearer but They’re the world’s out there You will never I quote find yourself Satisfied at the same time the paradox Is satisfied now say something not a lot I can quote from this guy that I really Would like to endorse but this one works For me life is a journey of 10,000 lakes Complete at each step there’s a lot.

Thank you for watching this video on neurolinguistic programming anchoring!

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